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Study finds Dynamic OCT can distinguish nevi and melanomas based on blood vessel morphology

The study, published in Cancers clinical journal, showed that VivoSight’s powerful Dynamic OCT (D-OCT) capability for detecting and imaging blood vessels in skin has the potential to help dermatologists non-invasively distinguish melanomas from suspicious nevi in unclear cases. According to the paper authors, adding D-OCT imaging to clinic-dermoscopic examination may: In the study, D-OCT images ...

OCT-Guided Laser Treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma

Jon Holmes, CEO of MDL, comments on a recent article by Orit Markowitz, MD et al. reporting positive results Join us for an educational video blog about an amazing new way treating Basal Cell Carcinoma. About Jon Holmes and Michelson Diagnostics Ltd. – Click Here.

Measuring Skin with VivoSight OCT

Part 1: Epidermal Measurements Join us for a multi-part video blog series with one of the preeminent experts in the field of dermatologic imaging. Jon Holmes covers aspects of Measuring Skin with VivoSight OCT in an educational, tutorial style of way. About Jon Holmes and Michelson Diagnostics Ltd. – Click Here.
Measuring Skin with VivoSight OCT

Optimization of Microneedle Array Patches (MAPs): Part 2

Part 2: Measuring Tissue Response After Microneedle Array Patch (MAP) Removal Join us for a two part video blog series with one of the preeminent experts in the field of dermatologic imaging. Jon Holmes covers aspects of real-time, in-vivo imaging of MAP insertion behavior and measurements of relevant structural parameters governing MAP performance. About Jon ...
Optimization of Microneedle Array Patches (MAPs) 1

Optimization of Microneedle Array Patches (MAPs): Part 1

Part 1: In-Vivo Structural Analysis of Microneedle Array Patches (MAPs) Join us for a two part video blog series with one of the preeminent experts in the field of dermatologic imaging. Jon Holmes covers aspects of real-time, invivo imaging of MAP insertion behavior and measurements of relevant structural parameters governing MAP performance. About Jon Holmes ...
Optimization of Microneedle Array Patches (MAPs)

Essential Tools and Techniques to Accelerate Microneedle Array Patch (MAP) Translational Research: Part 4

Part 4: MAP Production Reproducibility and Outlook Join us for a four part video blog series with one of the preeminent experts in the field. Professor Ryan Donnelly covers fundamentals and new aspects of Microneedle Array Patch translational research. About Professor Ryan Donnelly – Click Here.
Essential Tools and Techniques to Accelerate Microneedle Array Patch (MAP) Translational Research
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