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Study finds Dynamic OCT can distinguish nevi and melanomas based on blood vessel morphology

The study, published in Cancers clinical journal, showed that VivoSight’s powerful Dynamic OCT (D-OCT) capability for detecting and imaging blood vessels in skin has the potential to help dermatologists non-invasively distinguish melanomas from suspicious nevi in unclear cases. According to the paper authors, adding D-OCT imaging to clinic-dermoscopic examination may: In the study, D-OCT images ...

New Hope for Port Wine Stain Patients from a Novel Image-Guided Treatment

“We are enthusiastic about the results we are seeing with our VivoSight OCT-guided treatments of Port Wine Stain birthmarks”, said Dr Roy Geronemus of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York, and who has been testing the VivoSight OCT system, “This new technology has great potential to change therapies for vascular conditions. The ...